Monday, October 20, 2014

Within the last few weeks, there has been a lot going on in Texas from a political standpoint. As stated in the Burka Blog, voter ID has been rejected, abortion clinics have re-opened, Houston attorneys are trying to subpoena sermons that are against the new equal rights ordinance, and there was another case of Ebola.

The author of the blog briefly reviews these issues and then turns the discussion to the comment section. Most people seem to agree that the Voter ID isn't a huge issue while some say it's a form of disenfranchisement and thus unconstitutional, and the other big issue is Ebola. The other two topics are not delved into as much. I personally don't find voter ID as big of an issue as people make it out to be, I've always been pro life, you shouldn't preach hate at the pulpit, and I pray that Ebola is contained quickly.